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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

kwa Utakatifu wake Papa Benedict XVI Pays Ziara State Ili Uingereza - Siku ya 4

Mahujaji wamelala wakisubiri kuwasili kwa Papa Benedict XVI kwa wingi beatification ya Kardinali Newman saa Cofton Park Septemba 19, 2010 katika Birmingham, Uingereza. Siku ya mwisho ya hali ya ziara ya Papa Benedict XVI's Baba Mtakatifu ni beatifying Kardinali Newman mbele ya waamini juu ya 60,000. Utakatifu wake pia alikutana Malkia kama vile wawakilishi wa kisiasa na kidini wakati wa ziara ya siku nne.

Rais Obama aliahudhuria tuzo za Phoenix ambazo ziliambatana na chakula cha jioni

(AFP-OUT) Rais Barack Obama gestures wakati wa hotuba yake ya kila mwaka ya chakula cha jioni Phoenix Awards imedhaminiwa na Congressional Black Caucus Foundation katika Mkataba Washington Center, tarehe 18 Septemba, 2010 katika Washington, DC. Rais huyo alisema katika hotuba yake kwenye kikundi "Mimi haja kwa sababu hii si itakuwa rahisi," referencing" uchaguzi wa Novemba.

Nicolas Sarkozy na Carla Bruny New York

Rais wa Ufaransa Nicolas Sarkozy, mke wake Carla Bruni Sarkozy na mtoto wake, Louis Sarkozy, kufurahia siku yao ya kwanza mjini New York kabla ya hotuba yake kwa Baraza Kuu la Umoja wa Mataifa juu ya Jumatatu. Walikuwa na chakula cha mchana katika moja ya migahawa yao favorite katika Manhattan, Amaranth, ni mgahawa Italia. Baada ya chakula cha mchana, nao zinazoongozwa nyuma hoteli zao. Wakati Carla kitten-heeled akaenda ununuzi katika pharmacy hela kutoka hoteli zao, Nicolas Sarkozy na mtoto wake Louis walikwenda kuhifadhi jirani Best Buy. Baadaye mchana, Louis, akiongozana na wakala wa huduma ya siri, akaenda Central Park kucheza na toy ya ajabu, futuristic. Karibu hakika nimechoka zifuatazo safari yao ya muda mrefu, familia ya kukaa katika hoteli kwa chakula cha jioni.

Papa Benedict XVI katika London

Papa Benedict XVI akiwa na msafara wake pamoja ya Mall en njia ya Hyde Park.

Mkurugenzi wa IMF katika Umoja wa Mataifa Mkutano Mkuu

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, aka DSK - Mkurugenzi wa Shirika la Fedha Duniani (IMF au FMI) - akinaongea katika Umoja wa Mataifa katika Mkutano Mkuu.

Ghana Rais John Atta Mills Ziarani China

Rais Hu Jintao Kichina (L) uppmanar Rais wa Ghana John Atta Mills (R) kwa lengo la kulinda heshima wakati wa sherehe ya kukaribisha ndani ya ukumbi wa Mkuu wa Taifa tarehe 20 Septemba, 2010 katika Beijing, China. Rais wa Ghana John Atta Mills ni kutembelea na China kutoka 19-24 Septemba 2010.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Obama Introduces Warren As Overseer Of Consumer Financial Protection Agency

U.S. President Barack Obama (C) speaks as Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner (L) and Congressional Oversight Panel Chair Elizabeth Warren (R) listen during a Rose Garden announcement September 17, 2010 at the White House in Washington, DC. Obama has appointed Warren to be his assistant and special adviser to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI Pays A State Visit To The UK

Pope Benedict XVI attends a meeting with British Prime Minister David Cameron at Archbishop's House, near Westminster Cathedral on the third day of his State Visit on September 18, 2010 in London, England. Pope Benedict XVI is conducting the first state visit to the UK by a Pontiff. During the four day visit Pope Benedict will celebrate mass, conduct a prayer vigil as well as beatify Cardinal Newman at an open air mass in Cofton Park. His Holiness will meet The Queen as well as political and religious representatives

Pope Benedict XVI Visits London

Pope Benedict XVI continues his state visit to Britain by being driven through London in his popemobile. Flanked by heavy security, the Pontiff waved to onlookers and passers by as he made his was through Lambeth Bridge.

Afghans Go To the Polls For Parliamentary Elections

Afghan women vote at a polling station for the parliamentary elections on September 18, 2010 in Mazar-e-Sharif, Balkh province, north of Kabul, Afghanistan. More than 2,500 candidates will contest for 249 seats in the lower house of the Afghan parliament. The Taliban have warned voters to boycott the polls, threatening violence to disturb the election process.

The European Tour race to Dubai physio van during the third round of the Austrian golf open presented by Botarin at the Diamond country club on September 18, 2010 in Atzenbrugg near Vienna, Austria.

Surfers Take Advantage As Large Swells Hit Sydney Beaches

A surfer rides a wave as a low pressure system creates large swell on the east coast of Australia at Bronte Beach on September 18, 2010 in Sydney, Australia. Swells of around 3 metres have been occurring off the coast of Sydney, causing hazardous conditions along parts of the East Coast. A new record was set off of Tasmania on September 16 one wave 18.4m, a new national record.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Serikali ya Uingereza kuchangia kiasi cha sh. bilioni 240 katika Bajeti ya Taifa

Waziri wa Fedha na Uchumi Mustafa Mkulo( kulia) akitangaza uamuzi wa Serikali ya Uingereza wa kuchangia katika Bajeti ya Taifa(GBS) kiasi cha bilioni 240 leo mjini Zanzibar . Kushoto ni Naibu Waziri wa Idara inayoshughulikia Misaada ya Kimataifa ya Uingereza (DFID) Stephen O’Brian. ( Hizi Hela zote zinaenda wapi jamani) 

Dell Inspiron Duo touched for the very first time

Yeah, you made me feel, shiny and new... We digress. That's jkkmobile's finger in the photo above, testing out Microsoft Surface Globe on the Dell Inspiron Duo convertible's swiveling 10-inch screen -- a rite of passage that you can watch after the break in all its low-res glory. We're seriously jealous of this dude right now, but thankful that he discovered a few more facts about the device: for one, that swivel only spins in one direction, and for another, we're looking at a capacitive multitouch screen. We still don't know what those sensors are on the left side of the netbook's clamshell frame nor what resolution that webcam shoots at, but we do see a set of flaps on the left-hand side presumably concealing some ports, and what could be a flat removable battery pack on the bottom of the cherry-red unit. Video after the break.

Sony Ericsson's Xperia roadmap leaks out, shows 720p video recording but no Froyo

Sony Ericsson made it clear way back in May that the Xperia X10 family wouldn't stay at the antiquated Android 1.6 forever -- come Q4 2010, they'd get an Eclair with freshly revamped Timescape and Mediascape filling. Now, it looks like the company's codified that promise in this allegedly leaked German roadmap. Spotted by a tipster at the Xperia X10 Blog at IFA 2010 in Berlin, the document describes a 720p video recording mode (with continuous autofocus) for the Xperia X10 alone, plus Facebook and Twitter contacts integration, an HTML5-compliant browser and five homescreen pages for the entire Xperia series with the release of Android 2.1. There's also a separate "2.1x" release after that to bring the two 'scapes up to snuff, and it seems the Xperia X8's being bundled with the mini and mini pro as far as updates go. There's sadly no mention of Android 2.2, but we wouldn't yet count it out -- for all we know, the very next page of that leaflet could be oozing delicious frozen yogurt all over these phones.

Crestron iPanel controller for iPad does twice as much for half the price

Crestron is a name synonymous with two things in the world of home automation: cost and quality. So it's always good to the see the company shed its proprietary nature and embrace an off-the-shelf consumer product. Take its new iPanel for example. Instead of dropping a few thousand dollars on a Crestron touch-panel that does just one thing, you can purchase this $500ish snap-on case with thirteen dedicated buttons for home, lights, guide, and info functions. In other words, for the half the price of a typical touchscreen Crestron touchscreen controller you also get a WiFi-connected iPad. Sounds like a winning combination to us. Look for the iPanel to get official at CEDIA next week.

How to get ahead in Africa?

Anyone see the channel 4 programme about rampant african corruption, makes me realise where all the money from live aid went. Ive always thought africans are not fit to govern Africa, maybe a second bout of colonialism will do the trick. Yea i imagine we have corruption in the uk but in Kenya you have to bribe everyone to do anything through every level of authority. I know people might not agree with my statements but it is a continent that has the potential to become so prosperous. But rampant corruption is stoping it, look at zimbabwe, mugabe is one of the ten richest men in the world, and look at his people.

Additional Details
some good points but my question remains - should african governments be removed and placed under a new colonial rule, i dont mean move lots of white europeans in (we dont need another south africa). But if we want to help africa we have to save them from themsleves. And i remember when i was a kid and my dad would go on about how live aid was a waste of time and how you would only be sending money for some government to buy ak47s, guess he was right.

puddy: you are in the running for the best answer. i totally agree, its up to them. We look at what we have and we (the uk) enjoy the prosperity of today because of the actions of our ancestors, over the past 500 years the uk has shaped the world through our language, the industrial revolution and countless other elements. If African counties what to be the tramps of the world relying on handouts from the rest of the world, then let them. I have a conscience but if someone dosent want to help themselves, sod them!

My Quote: The presenter Sorious Samura, did not suggest that the aid should stop. The type of aid and how it is distributed is the problem. This point was made twice; by an interviewee who said Bob Geldof got it wrong 'It should be make corruption history' and again at the end of the programme by Mr Samura himself.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Ujumbe wetu wa leo



Naanza kwa kumshuku Mungu kwa upendo aliouonyesha kwangu na kuniwezesha kuiona siku hii ya ya leo nikiwa mzima wa afya. Nadiriki kushukuru kwa sababu, wapo walitamani kuiona wiki hii wakiwa wazima lakini wengine waneshatangulia mbele za haki huku wengine wakiwa hoi mahospitalini na majumbani.


Mimi na wewe ambao tumejaaliwa uhai hadi leo, tuna kila sababu ya kumshukuru Mungu na pia kujaribu kubadilika na kujitahidi kufanya yale ambayo yatamfurahisha na kuachana na yale yatamchukiza.


Wiki iliyopita nilianza kuzungumzia mambo ambayo yanaweza kumsaidia mtu kutimiza ndoto zake, wiki hii nitamalizia mambo kadha yaliyobaki.



Baada ya kuorodhesha malengo yako katika maisha. Unashauriwa kutafakari na kutafuta hayo. Hapa nazungumzia suala zima la maandalizi ambayo ytakusaidia kufikia ndoto zako kwa usahihi na kwa haraka.

Kama malengo yako yatahitaji mtaji wa kutosha basi itakulazimu kutafuta pesa kwa nguzu zote na kama itakuhitaji kuwa na elimu ya kutosha huna budi kujibadilisha katika hilo.



Maisha siku zote wana msemo ni mapambano na kujitoa mhanga. Maisha ni kujitolea na kutoogopa kujaribu kwa kuhofia kushindwa. Kamwe usiogope kujaribu kwani hata ikitokea ukashindwa bado kwako itakuwa ni changamoto na njia ya kujifunza maisha zaidi.


Wenzetu wazungu msemo wao usemao “Time is money” ni kweli, muda ni hazina na asilimalinyeti sana katika kufanikisha malengo yako ya kimaisha. Jitahidi sana kutumia muda wako vizuri badala ya kuupoteza katika mambo ambayo hayatakusaidia katika maisha.


Kuwa tayari kutoka kwa wengine ambao wamefanikiwa katika kile unachotamani kukifanya. Jaribu kudadisi na kung’amua ni kwa namna gani wameweza kufikia malengo yao  katika maisha ili na wewe uweze kujifunza kitu.


Katika kujaribu kufikia malengo yako ni wazi kuwa utakutana na vikwazo vya hapa na pale na wakati mwingine kuweza kuhisi huwezi kuendelea tena.


Siku zote vikwazo unavyokutana navyo view ni changamoto kwako ya kujipanga upya na kuanzisha tena mapambano ya kufikia malengo yako. Kimsingi hushauriwi kukata tama kabisa kwani wataalamu wa mambao ya saikolojia wanaeleza kuwa, idadi kubwa ya watu wanaoishi maisha yasiyokuwa na nyuma wala mbele wametawaliwa na tabia ya kukata tama hata katika mambo ambayo wakiwa wavumilivu wanaweza kufanikiwa.


Kujiamini ni mambo ya msini sana kwa kila mwenye uchu na maendeleo lakini ukweli unabaki pale pale kwamba, huwezi kufanya kila kitu wewe mwenyewe. Katika mbio za kufikia malengo yako, usiishi kama  kisiwa, wakati mwingine itakuhitaji kuomba msaada au hata ushauri wa kimawazo pale utakapotingwa na mambo. Usikubali kubaki na msongo wa mawazo pale unapohisi kushindwa badala yake jaribu kutafuta msaada na ushauri kwa watu unawaamini.


Ulevi na kuendekeza kabla ya kufikia malengo yako kimaisha ni kikwazo kikubwa cha kujitakia na ni sumu mbaya ya fedha na kupoteza muda mwingi katika mambo ya anasa kamwe hayataweza kukusaidia kutimiza ndoto zako. Daima kazi kwanza,starehe baadae, ishi kama mtumwa leo, ili utimie ndoto ya kuishi kama mfale kesho


Katika hatua nyingine ni vyema pia ukachukua muda wako kutathmini namna ambavyo umeweza kutekeleza malengo yako, hii ni pamoja na kuweza kufahamu maendeleo yako katika mpango wa kufikia malengo yako, ni kwa kiasi gani umeweza kufanikiwa pia ni kiasi gani umeshindwa na kwa nini.

Kwa kufanya hivi inaweza kukusaidia kuweza kutilia mkazo zaidi katika maeneo yalioonesha udhaifu na kurekebisha kasoro kadhaa lakini pia kujipanga kwa nguvu mpya ili kutimiza ndoto zako kwa ufanisi zaidi.


Nimefikia tamati, tuonane tena wiki ijayo kwa mada nyingine.