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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Skype says Fring violated its Terms of Use, 'damaging our brand and reputation' in the process

It looks like Fring's recent decision to block Skype access to its iPhone 4 video app was the final straw for Skype, who charges that VoIP network was in breach of the Terms of Use and EULA for the Skype API. "Over time," writes General Counsel Robert Miller, "Fring's mis-use of our software was increasingly damaging our brand and reputation with our customers." Although they've "been talking with Fring for some time to try to resolve this amicably," Friday's action is being called "disappointing [for] our customers, who have high expectations of the Skype experience." He goes on to say that "Skype will rigorously protect our brand and reputation, and those developers that do not comply with our terms will be subject to legal enforcement." Meaning, presumably, that in the case of more Fring shenanigans there will be some sort of red-hot legal action. For its part, Fring CEO Avi Shechter had this to say: "We are disappointed that Skype, who once championed the cause of openness, is now attempting to muzzle competition, even to the detriment of its own users." Which is all well and good, but we can hardly see how Skype is the problem here when you were the ones who locked out its users in the first place.

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