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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Businessweek says new Apple TV to include Netflix streaming, WSJ says 99-cent TV rentals from Fox and ABC

Well here's an interesting wrinkle to the next-gen iOS-based Apple TV rumors in the leadup to tomorrow's event: Bloomberg Businessweek says the new box will offer Netflix streaming, presumably in addition to whatever cheap TV content deals Apple's planning to offer through iTunes. That would be a first of sorts for Apple; although Netflix has apps for the iPhone and iPad, Steve Jobs isn't exactly in the habit of preloading services that compete with iTunes. That said, Netflix does have critical mass, and it makes a certain amount of sense for Apple to try and leverage that subscriber base to generate momentum for its own product -- a lot of people might buy a $99 Apple TV just for Netflix and wind up hooked on Apple's other offerings like apps, movie rentals, and purchased content. We'll see what happens tomorrow -- won't you join us?

P.S.- Businessweek also says a new iPod Touch with a higher-resolution screen and a revamped version of iTunes are due tomorrow, but like, duh.

Update: And just to add to tonight's rumorfest, the Wall Street Journal now says Apple will in fact announce 99-cent TV show rentals from Fox and ABC tomorrow as well. ABC seems like a obvious partner, since Jobs is on the board of corporate parent Disney, but the Fox angle is a little more interesting: the WSJ says not everyone at Fox is so happy about the deal, and the network's offerings will be limited to shows that it both produces and broadcasts. That means nothing from Fox's cable networks like FX, and no shows like American Idol to which Fox doesn't hold all the rights. So why the partnership at all? The WSJ says it's because News Corp wants Apple's help with the iPad version of the WSJ itself and other digital news projects. Clever, Rupert -- clever.

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