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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Is it possible for something to scamper into our heart and our nightmares simultaneously? Phasma is making a bid for that distinction. The hexapedal r

Is the device above familiar to you? It should be if you've been following the release of Android Tegra 2tablets, as it looks conspicuously like Aigo's N700, which is, itself, a rebadged Compal NAZ-10. It's now the recipient of another applique, this time getting inked with the name "Pioneer Computers" (an Aussie company unrelated to that other Pioneer) and now up for pre-order with a price of AUD $599 -- about $530 US. For that you get a seven-inch tablet with a 800 x 480 capacitive touchscreen, Tegra 2 internals, 512MB of RAM with 4GB of internal storage and microSD expansion, HDMI output, and 802.11b/g wireless. A 3G antenna will cost you another $99, though if you order right now they'll throw in the optional 1.3 megapixel webcam for free. That's a nice offer on a somewhat overpriced tablet, but it remains to be seen whether this sucker is eligible for Android 2.2 (it's currently rocking 2.1) and, indeed, whether it's a licensed install with the Market and whatnot. We'd guess the answer is "no," as earlier rebrands of these tablets went without, but we're always ready for surprises.

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