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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Older Apple iOS devices must jailbreak to be secure -- oh the irony

Remember that nasty PDF bug that allowed potentially malicious code to be executed on your iOS device? Right, the one that Apple recently patched with the iOS 4.0.2 software update, slamming the door on jailbreakme.com. Well, if you own the original iPhone or iPod touch you're still at risk since Apple's update isn't compatible with those devices. Hell, many iPhone 3G owners are also at risk after rolling back their handsets to iOS 3.1.3 due to sluggish (to put it mildly) performance running iOS 4. So what can you do to protect yourselves? Jailbreak. As counterintuitive as that sounds, Jay Freeman (aka @saurik) just released a patch onto Cydia (search for "PDF Patch") for all iOS devices, no need to update to 4.0.2. Of course, jailbreaking presents its own set of risks, so be careful -- and for crissake be sure tochange the root password if you install SSH

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