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Friday, September 17, 2010

How to get ahead in Africa?

Anyone see the channel 4 programme about rampant african corruption, makes me realise where all the money from live aid went. Ive always thought africans are not fit to govern Africa, maybe a second bout of colonialism will do the trick. Yea i imagine we have corruption in the uk but in Kenya you have to bribe everyone to do anything through every level of authority. I know people might not agree with my statements but it is a continent that has the potential to become so prosperous. But rampant corruption is stoping it, look at zimbabwe, mugabe is one of the ten richest men in the world, and look at his people.

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some good points but my question remains - should african governments be removed and placed under a new colonial rule, i dont mean move lots of white europeans in (we dont need another south africa). But if we want to help africa we have to save them from themsleves. And i remember when i was a kid and my dad would go on about how live aid was a waste of time and how you would only be sending money for some government to buy ak47s, guess he was right.

puddy: you are in the running for the best answer. i totally agree, its up to them. We look at what we have and we (the uk) enjoy the prosperity of today because of the actions of our ancestors, over the past 500 years the uk has shaped the world through our language, the industrial revolution and countless other elements. If African counties what to be the tramps of the world relying on handouts from the rest of the world, then let them. I have a conscience but if someone dosent want to help themselves, sod them!

My Quote: The presenter Sorious Samura, did not suggest that the aid should stop. The type of aid and how it is distributed is the problem. This point was made twice; by an interviewee who said Bob Geldof got it wrong 'It should be make corruption history' and again at the end of the programme by Mr Samura himself.

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