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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New fiber optic cables promise to bring better, cheaper internet access to West Africa

Last summer, the lone undersea cable linking West Africa to the rest of the world was damaged, forcing Nigeria to fall back on slower and expensive satellite connections, and knocking several other countries completely offline until the cable was repaired. While that has been a relatively common occurrence to date, the chances of it happening again in the future are now considerably less likely. That's because a second undersea cable project was just completed this summer, which is the first of two more cables planned, and just the beginning of a new round of investment in the region that the U.N.'s International Telecommunications Union says will vastly increase the bandwidth available by mid-2012. As the AP reports, that additional investment in the region promises to not only increase reliability, but significantly reduce the cost of internet access as well, which currently costs nearly 500 times as much as it does in the U.S. on a wholesale level. Exactly how much cheaper it'll get remains to be seen, however, and there's also still the issue of expanding internet access further inland, where infrastructure remains spread thin and in the hands of only a few companies that tightly control access.

HP agrees to pay $55 million to settle investigation into illegal kickbacks

The company that kicked Mark Hurd to the curb for financial impropriety has today reported it'll pay $55 million in a settlement with the US Department of Justice relating to some fiscal delinquency of its own. HP was accused of greasing up the wheels of business, as it were, by throwing cash around to companies who would recommend its services to state procurement agencies. This particular set of allegations related to a federal contract obtained by HP in 2002, and the settlement also extinguishes investigation into whether or not the computer vendor had provided incomplete information to the US government. That's all well and good, but we have to question the size of these levies. Today's also the day that HP's announced a new $800 million supply contract with the US Air Force -- would a fine that's less than a tenth of the contract's value really deter HP's entrepreneurial spirit?

Philips GoGear Connect is a legitimate Android-based iPod touch competitor (updated)

For all its success, the iPod touch has few dedicated media player competitors capable of matching its big-touchscreen, WiFi, and voluminous App Store. Until today. Philips just went official with its GoGear Connect featuring the full suite of Google Mobile applications pre-installed with access to the Android Market for pretty much everything else. Spec-wize we're looking at a 3.2-inch display, WiFi, sound isolating earphones, built-in camera, and microSD slot. Sorry, no mention of the Android OS version though we've seen it listed at retailers with 2.1. Syncing your music is done over Bluetooth or a USB tether to your PC with Philips' Songbird providing the software assist. The MP4 player also supports Maps and location-based services -- presumably accomplished with the help of Skyhook and not via a GPS radio (though the Philips post is tagged "GPS"). Look for the GoGear Connect to land in Western Europe, China, and yes, the US, starting in late October with the price pegged at €249 (about $315) for the 16GB model.

Update: Philips got back to us with additional specs: on-board GPS and compass; 480 x 320 pixel LCD display; and support for .mp3, .wma, .m4a (AAC), .ogg, and .flac audio; .wmv, .mp4 (MPEG4 and H264 up to 720p), .avi (MPEG4 up to 720p) video; and JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF images. Oh, and it's definitely Andriod 2.1.

Sanyo's Eneloop Stick and Mobile Boosters will juice your gadgets on the go

Make no mistake, we're unabashed Eneloop rechargeable battery fanboys around here. How could we not be given our mobile lifestyle and obsessive need to keep all our toys juiced. As such, we're stoked by the announcement of a pair of Sanyo power packs: the Eneloop Mobile Booster (model KBC-L2BS) and Eneloop Stick Booster (KBC-D1BS). The Mobile Booster is a rechargeable slab of lithium-ion with a pair of built-in USB terminals (and microUSB adapter) capable of pushing a relatively hefty 1 Amp charge for about 2 hours (or 500mA for 4 hours if charging two device) to gear that requires that kind of suck... like the iPad. The battery pack can then be recharged over AC or a USB connection on your PC. The highly portable Stick Booster, meanwhile, ships with a pair of AA Eneloops -- so when the electrons cease to flow you can just swap out the dead batteries for a pair of fresh rechargeables. The Stick Booster is also an official Nintendo licensee so you can be sure that it'll charge your DSLite, DSi, or DSi LL (no mention of the 3DS). Look for these to ship October 21st in Japan.

T-Mobile G2 official shots break loose, corroborate rumors of wanton awesomeness

The T-Mobile G2 -- which will likely be known as the HTC Desire Z outside the States -- is shaping up to be one of the more anticipated Android launches of 2010, and a handful of smaller-than-we'd-like official press shots that have just leaked over on Cell Phone Signal are doing nothing to make us believe otherwise. The site says it believes silver (pictured) will be the only color offered, and considering that we haven't seen any leaks in any other shades, that seems like a reasonable assumption. Then again, a white, red, or black version of this would be pretty neat, wouldn't it?

Update: Turns out these images are chilling on T-Mobile's servers right now -- check the source links below. Whoops!

Update 2: And we've now got the clearest shot yet of a G2 in the wild, casually browsing Facebook as a laptop looks on with a mixture of curiosity and contempt; 

Homebrew Cray-1A emulates the iconic supercomputer, to no useful purpose

The Cray-1A first made the scene in 1976, weighing 5.5 tons (including the refrigeration system) and running at 80MHz -- with a whopping 8MB RAM. Who wouldn't want to own one -- or a miniature version of one, for that matter? Chris Fenton would, apparently. Yes, it's that Chris Fenton -- the electrical engineer who once made a $50 laptop out of a PICAXE 18X Microcontroller and 96 bytes of RAM (and some wood). And he's back with a 1/10-scale Cray-1A. And unlike a similar project we've seen in the past, this bad boy runs a custom Cray emulator (too bad there doesn't seem to be any Cray software floating around). Wild, huh? Get the whole scoop (and some pointers if you want to roll your own)

iFixit goes beige with RCA Studio II teardown

The RCA Studio II is already a pretty rare sight as is, but rarer still is a detailed look inside what's been described as one of the worst game consoles of all time. Thankfully, the folks at iFixit have now come through once again, and followed up their dissection of the Magnavox Odyssey 100 with a teardown of the circa-1977 "Home TV Programmer." In addition to an abundance of beige, the team also discovered a considerable amount of solder that's characteristic of 70s electronics, and even a few surprises like some white chip packages that are rarely (if ever) used these days. Hit up the link below for the complete blow-by-blow, and keep en eye out for even more vintage gadget teardowns during the rest of the week.

HP Labs teams up with Hynix to manufacture memristors, plans assault on flash memory in 2013

The memristor's come a long way since being hypothesized back in 1971. If you ask HP Labs, the history of this particular memory technology didn't hit its next milestone for almost four decades, when the company produced the very first memory resistor chip. Just last month, the Labs group proved its little transistor could handle logic and data storage, and as of today, the company's announcing a joint development agreement with Hynix Semiconductor, with a goal of bringing these chips to the market -- and rendering flash memory obsolete.

That challenge against flash (not a very popular naming convention these days, it seems) was thrown down by HP Labs Senior Fellow Stan Williams, who posits that the memristor is "an universal memory that over a sufficient amount of time will replace flash, DRAM, magnetic hard disks, and possibly even SRAM." But onto the immediate, albeit aspirational goal (i.e. not a commitment, which he stressed on multiple occasions): Williams hopes to see the transistors in consumer products by this time 2013, for approximately the price of what flash memory will be selling for at the time but with "at least twice the bit capacity." He also claims a much smaller power requirement of "at least a factor of 10" and an even faster operation speed, in addition to previously-discussed advantages like read / write endurance.

With Hynix on board, the goal is to make these "drop-in replacements" for flash memory, whereby the same protocols and even the same connectors will work just fine. For HP, however, Williams says there'll be an initial competitive advantage for the company due to its comfort level with memristors' unique properties, but that other companies will be encouraged to license the technology and experiment with new possibilities in hardware design. Williams wouldn't give any specific product examples where we might initially see the memristor, except to repeat that it'll be anywhere and everywhere flash memory is. Fighting words, indeed. We normally don't get excited about minute hardware components -- not often, at least -- but we gotta say, the seeds of the future look mighty interesting. Can't wait to see what germinates. Highlights from our talk with Williams after the break.

Prepaid Droid, BlackBerry and Palm phones coming to Verizon? (update: confirmed, box spotting)

e'd heard a few rumors of some new prepaid offerings from Verizon recently, but it now looks like the carrier could really be about to expand things in a big way -- at least if some purportedly authentic leaked documents are any indication. Apparently received by Android Does from a helpful tipster, the documents list a whole new lineup of prepaid phones, including a slew of BlackBerrys, the Palm Pre and Pixi Plus, and just about every Android-based phone Verizon offers (including all of the Droids and even the yet-to-be released Samsung Fascinate -- again listed for September 9th). While there's no indication of prepaid pricing for the phones themselves, they would apparently be available with an unlimited $30 a month data plan, which would have to be tacked on top of a minimum $45 a month voice plan. Yeah, that's pretty aggressive for Verizon any way you slice it -- maybe too aggressive to be true?

[Thanks, Bryan]

Update: Well, it looks like this chances of this happening just got a whole lot better -- head on past the break for a shot we received of a Verizon Prepaid BlackBerry Curve box. If you look closely at the back of the box, you'll also notice that the pricing matches up with the leaked documents, including monthly plans from $45 to 75 a month, and unlimited email and web for $30 a month. What's more, while there's no shots just yet, we're hearing that the prepaid Droids are also a go (with the same plans), and that at least the Droid 2 has been specifically mentioned.

Update 2: As if that wasn't enough, we've also now gotten a handful more tips confirming that this is the real deal, and that it will apparently include BlackBerry, Android and Palm phones only (at least when it comes to smartphones).

Update 3: And just in case you still don't believe us, we just got screenshots of Verizon's inventory system listing all the current Droids, the LG Ally, the Motorola Devour, the Palm Pre / Pixi Plus, and a host of Blackberrys as pre-paid capable phones. Check it in the gallery.

BeamAtic Premium headlights let you keep your high beams on all night long

It looks like the highways of Japan could soon get a bit brighter -- at least if these new BeamAtic Premium head lights from Ichikoh Industries ever catch on. Developed by France's Valeo SA, the headlights make use of an on-board camera and some image processing software that tracks oncoming vehicles, and some movable dousers attached to the headlights that are able to deflect the light so it doesn't bother other drivers; the idea there being that you could simply leave your high beams on all the time without worrying about blinding anyone. No word on any plans for a release over here, but you'll apparently be able to get them in Japan next month, and the company is also reportedly looking to talk some Japanese automakers into offering them as a factory-installed option.

LG's C900 Windows Phone 7 handset resurfaces with 1GHz Snapdragon, metal frame? (update: not 1.3GHz)

We imagine that LG's security forces are combing Poland as we speak, because Android.com.pl has just provided us with yet another high-end handset leak. This LG C900 (last seen combing AT&T trenches) reportedly joins LG's E900 in housing a 1GHz QSD8650 Snapdragon chipset under its sliding-QWERTY hood. Though our first look at the device suggested a plasticky matte frame, our erudite Polish informants tell us the phone's mostly metal inside -- despite a comparatively teensy 3.2-inch capacitive screen, they say it weighs about as much as an original Motorola Droid. A 3.5mm jack and a miniUSB port will play nice with headsets and charging cables respectively, and the site says it'll run 1,100 zloty (about $350) if or when LG's marketers recover from the shock of these leaked details and decide to ship. Find a video after the break and a host of similarly excellent pictures at our source link.

Update: Did we say 1.3GHz? We meant 1.0. As it turns out, Google Translate enjoys adding the letter "A" to acronyms immediately preceding a Polish comma, which made a 1GHz QSD8650 SoC look like a 1.3GHz QSD8650A to our tired eyes. Apologies! [Thanks, Anudeep]
READ MOREAndroid.com.pl

Businessweek says new Apple TV to include Netflix streaming, WSJ says 99-cent TV rentals from Fox and ABC

Well here's an interesting wrinkle to the next-gen iOS-based Apple TV rumors in the leadup to tomorrow's event: Bloomberg Businessweek says the new box will offer Netflix streaming, presumably in addition to whatever cheap TV content deals Apple's planning to offer through iTunes. That would be a first of sorts for Apple; although Netflix has apps for the iPhone and iPad, Steve Jobs isn't exactly in the habit of preloading services that compete with iTunes. That said, Netflix does have critical mass, and it makes a certain amount of sense for Apple to try and leverage that subscriber base to generate momentum for its own product -- a lot of people might buy a $99 Apple TV just for Netflix and wind up hooked on Apple's other offerings like apps, movie rentals, and purchased content. We'll see what happens tomorrow -- won't you join us?

P.S.- Businessweek also says a new iPod Touch with a higher-resolution screen and a revamped version of iTunes are due tomorrow, but like, duh.

Update: And just to add to tonight's rumorfest, the Wall Street Journal now says Apple will in fact announce 99-cent TV show rentals from Fox and ABC tomorrow as well. ABC seems like a obvious partner, since Jobs is on the board of corporate parent Disney, but the Fox angle is a little more interesting: the WSJ says not everyone at Fox is so happy about the deal, and the network's offerings will be limited to shows that it both produces and broadcasts. That means nothing from Fox's cable networks like FX, and no shows like American Idol to which Fox doesn't hold all the rights. So why the partnership at all? The WSJ says it's because News Corp wants Apple's help with the iPad version of the WSJ itself and other digital news projects. Clever, Rupert -- clever.

Commodore USA to relaunch Amiga brand with series of AROS desktops

Barry's back, kids! The CEO of Commodore USA just informed us that, in addition to slapping Commodore stickers on various all-in-one PCs, he has acquired the rights to the Amiga name (we only hope that the process went a little smoother this time around). The plan is to sell machines that fully support AROS -- an open source variant of AmigaOS 3.1 that the kids seem to go crazy for. We can't wait to get a look at these bad boys, but for now it looks like we'll have to do with the picture of an old Amiga 3000 he inexplicably included with the PR. The PR, that is, that can be seen in its entirety after the break.

HP Mini 210 and Mini 5103 officially announced with dual-core Atom power

Netbook makers like Lenovo, Gigabyte and ASUS have been quietly releasing new systems with Intel's new mobile, dual-core N550 processor, but HP's not keeping its use of the fresh chip in 10-inch netbooks a secret... anymore. Just as we've previously heard, the professional-aimed $399 Mini 5103 will be getting a dual-core 1.5GHz processor option, which HP tells us can improve benchmark performance by up to 20 percent without a significant impact on battery life. It's also been updated with a new "espresso" color and will have HP's Day Starter instant-on OS -- no WebOS buried in there yet.

On the consumer end, the HP Mini 210 has also been refreshed -- actually, more like gutted -- with a new design. The 10.1-inch netbook is now available in a bunch of cleverly named colors, including crimson red and ocean drive, and has been revamped with a new back that integrates the battery into the bottom of the chassis. Don't worry: the battery is still swappable and you can open the bottom cover to replace the RAM and hard drive. It still has that chiclet keyboard we like so much, the rather hit-or-miss ClickPad touchpad and a Broadcom Crystal Accelerator option for 1080p playback. The Mini 210 will start at $330 with a single core Atom CPU and six-cell battery, but will be available with the N550 processor for a bit more (we're guessing around $75). The full release is after the break and some snazzy hands-on pics are below.

Corsair sails into gaming headset waters with noise-isolating HS1 cans

For some people, the association of Corsair and quality PC components is so strong that they'd buy anything that bears the triple sail logo. It makes perfect sense, therefore, for the company that made its name by producing memory sticks to diversify its portfolio even further, this time into gaming headsets, with the introduction of the HS1. It's a USB headset offering multichannel audio via 50mm drivers, a noise-isolating closed design, noise-cancelling and articulating mic, and inline volume and microphone mute controls. Aside from the larger than usual drivers, we're not seeing anything particularly unique here, but that ethereal quality component is rarely apparent on black and white fact sheets. Availability is said to be immediate, though our quick pricing investigation threw up only a UK pre-order for £84 ($129). So yeah, Corsair's certainly pricing the HS1 as a premium product.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

PowerPhone patent approved for sending MMS messages to 911

We've seen 911 call centers that accept text messages, and now if PowerPhone gets its way you'll some day be able to use MMS messages to further pinpoint the source of your distress. Patent number 7,764,769, "Integrated Call Handler and E-Mail Systems and Methods," has just been approved by the Patent and Trademark Office, detailing the use of the company's Incident Linked Multimedia (ILM) software to receive and prioritize multimedia messages at a call center near you. There is also something there about the software integrated with "existing Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Management Systems," which we imagine must be good news for someone looking to implement these features. But let's be honest: we're just looking forward to watching the inevitable "World's Most Embarrassing Drunken Videos to 911" special on Fox.

Droid X upgrade to Android 2.2 leaks out

What we're looking at here is allegedly the leaked over-the-air update to Froyo that Verizon plans on deploying to Droid X customers in the next few weeks, which means two critical things for customers: it should generally be faster all the way around, and -- of course -- you've got support for Flash, which was a big topic of interest at Motorola's launch event for the phone a couple months back. The update is available both in rooted and non-rooted versions, so if you're feeling adventurous today and you enjoy the thrill of doing something that offers a remote possibility of bricking your phone, you may want to go ahead and grab it. Good luck, and let us know your experiences in comments, alright?

Is it possible for something to scamper into our heart and our nightmares simultaneously? Phasma is making a bid for that distinction. The hexapedal r

Is the device above familiar to you? It should be if you've been following the release of Android Tegra 2tablets, as it looks conspicuously like Aigo's N700, which is, itself, a rebadged Compal NAZ-10. It's now the recipient of another applique, this time getting inked with the name "Pioneer Computers" (an Aussie company unrelated to that other Pioneer) and now up for pre-order with a price of AUD $599 -- about $530 US. For that you get a seven-inch tablet with a 800 x 480 capacitive touchscreen, Tegra 2 internals, 512MB of RAM with 4GB of internal storage and microSD expansion, HDMI output, and 802.11b/g wireless. A 3G antenna will cost you another $99, though if you order right now they'll throw in the optional 1.3 megapixel webcam for free. That's a nice offer on a somewhat overpriced tablet, but it remains to be seen whether this sucker is eligible for Android 2.2 (it's currently rocking 2.1) and, indeed, whether it's a licensed install with the Market and whatnot. We'd guess the answer is "no," as earlier rebrands of these tablets went without, but we're always ready for surprises.

Phasma the terrifyingly adorable, six-legged insectoid bot

Is it possible for something to scamper into our heart and our nightmares simultaneously? Phasma is making a bid for that distinction. The hexapedal running robot, built by Takram Design Engineering, is based on Stanford's cockroach-inspired iSprawl, and is built to look all cold and mechanical at rest, but to move very much like an insect, churning those springy six legs in a tripod gait. At first we were terrified by the motion, depicted on video after the break, but the more we watch it the more we're struck by how eager and exuberant it looks. Eager and exuberant to dwell inside our hollowed out carcass during the end of days? May we never find out. The robot is currently on exhibition at the Science Museum in Tokyo, if you care for a look.

Velocity Micro Cruz Reader and Tablet up for pre-order at Borders

We don't need to explain in any great detail just how badly the world needs another e-reader and tablet option, but you're wasting your time wishing for fewer selections. Case in point: Velocity Micro has just placed its Cruz Reader and Cruz Tablet up for pre-order at Borders, with both units boasting 7-inch displays and seductive price points. The Reader is going for $199.99 and should ship out by the end of next month, while the Tablet is $100 more and could be at your doorstep a fortnight before Halloween. Hit the source link if you're in desperate need of a specifications reminder, but be sure and hide that credit card if you're looking to avoid any and all impulse buys. Press release after the break.

The iPhone gets third party apps for third party hardware, but the proprietary SDKs make the future sad

Leave it to Apple to make the process of building software to work with new third party iPhone hardware sound like some Kafkaesque nightmare. Here's the basic gist of it: Apple, just like always, has to approve any third party hardware that plugs into one of its iOS devices over the 30-pin dock connector. What's new is that before only the first party manufacturer could build software that works with that hardware, but now Apple is allowing that manufacturer to act as a gatekeeper for third party apps that would interoperate with its hardware. That means exciting times for app developers that are raring to mix with the likes of Line 6's MIDI Mobilizer (pictured) and AKAI's SynthStation 25, but it's also a far cry from the land of computers where anybody can build a plug-and-play USB MIDI device, and anybody can build software that speaks to it. It also means juggling proprietary SDKs, NDAs, and other agreements, which could become very difficult for developers if or when the hardware availability balloons. Hopefully we can get something more elegant before it comes to that. Hit up the source link for an in-depth discussion of this issue.

A first hand look at NVIDIA 3DTV Play and PowerDVD 3D

Home theater PC fans will tell you that one of the reasons they do what they do is because of the flexibility that comes along with a roll your own home theater PC. And so of course the latest HTPCs need to be able to play 3D movies, games and broadcast content. Now NVIDIA has been bringing 3D to PCs for years but the latest 3DTVs don't share as much in common with 3D PC displays as you might think. Some think this is as simple as getting a video card with an HDMI 1.4 port, but in regards to 3D it is just a spec and your existing video card you've had for years might just work. In fact what HDMI 1.4 means to 3D is simply that a device is capable of outputting specific 3D formats (all common 3D formats used less bandwidth than 1080p60 2D). Sure the hardware must be physically capable of transmitting the signal, but what we're really talking about here is software, not hardware. That's where NVIDIA 3DTV Play comes in. This little piece of magic will be free for those who already own an NVIDIA 3D Vision kit, but for the rest of us with NVIDIA video cards, it'll be $40. What's interesting is that 3DTV Play doesn't really help those with the 3D Vision kits, because it is specifically for 3DTVs; which require their own 3D glasses. Now if you really want to know exactly what 3DTV Play does help with, and how well it works, well you'll just have to click on through for that part.

BlackBerry Bold R020 and 9670 Oxford flip outed?

It's felt almost as if the BlackBerry smartphone rumor mill has been a little too quiet -- dare we say burnt out -- since the Torch hit the scene (BlackPad notwithstanding, of course). That's all changed with a pair of interesting leaks care of Boy Genius Report. Behold a successor to the Bold 9700, the R020. The tri-band UMTS / quad-band EDGE device is gonna disappoint some with the same 624MHz clockspeed and 2.44-inch 480 x 360 screen, but it does have twice the RAM (512MB), a 5 megapixel camera with AF and flash, and of course runs on BlackBerry 6. If the purported leaked slides are correct, a device of such magnitude should be launching in the October timeframe. Looking to the CDMA side of things -- which means likely both Verizon and Sprint -- we've got a 9670 "Oxford" (at least by codename) flip phone with a full QWERTY keyboard, 5 megapixel camera, 360 x 400 internal display (240 x 320 for the external), usual amenities like WiFi and GPS, and the hip new BB6. No touchscreen on either phones, as far as we can tell, but perhaps that's a blessing for those that fret smudged screens.

Pocketbook announces color touch screen Android powered e-reader and more

Manufacturing upstart PocketBook is clearly still gung ho about e-readers, judging by the five new models it has announced will be released at IFA in September, which include a pair of entry-level ProBook 602 and 902 units, as well as the ProBook 603 and 903 premium units. The 60x designated models sport 6-inch screens, while the 90x models have a bigger 9.7-inch. All models will feature 2GB of internal storage, a Linux-based OS, and include WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity. However, the higher-end versions also gain 3G connectivity and a Wacom touchscreen. More interesting and genre-bending though is the so-called "entertainment model" PocketBook IQ that will be available in three case color options, feature a 7-inch TFT color touchscreen, WiFi, Bluetooth, and will run Android 2.0. Access to PocketBook's own Bookland.net e-book store unfortunately rounds out all the details we know so far, but we'll be sure to find out more once IFA gets going. Check out shots of the individual readers and get the full translated PR below.

Eking E5 UMPC brings tilting, sliding 5-inch display

It's been awhile, eh Eking? The elusive handheld maker is storming back onto the scene today with an all new UMPC, despite that fact that UMPCs have been largely left behind and covered up by this new "tablet craze." All that aside, the E5 is definitely one of the more delightful units that we've seen, and we can't help think of HTC's Advantage when it's opened up as shown above. Specs wise, this guy is boasting a 5-inch WSVGA (1,024 x 600) Sharp-sourced display that tilts and slides back, and an Intel Atom Z515 (1.2GHz) is powering things under the hood. There'a also 1GB of DDR2 memory, a 16GB SSD, 802.11b/g WiFi, Bluetooth, inbuilt 3G connectivity, a GPS module, 3 megapixel camera and a 2,600mAh battery that lasts for an undisclosed amount of time. Eking's also going the generous route and tossing in a load of accessories, but given the nearly $800 price tag for those who choose to import, we can understand why. Hit the links below for a few more looks, but don't expect it to ship outside of China anytime soon.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Redsn0w jailbreak works with iOS 4.0.2... on your iPhone 3G

This isn't going to do you iPhone 4 types much good yet, but it's interesting to note that the current version of redsn0w apparently works like a champ for jailbreaking your old iPhone 3G (yes -- 3G -- not 3GS) along with second-generation iPod touches running iOS 4.0.2. As we now know, 4.0.2 materialized for the sole purpose of patching up the PDF exploit that allowed JailbreakMe to do its thing, so it's kind of funny to see that redsn0w is still able to do its thing unhindered... just not on the devices most of us care about. Keep on keepin' on, Dev Team.

Palm Pixi shows off 3D gaming chops with webOS 1.4.5 release (video)

What with all the "battery optimization" excitement, we nearly forgot that Sprint's new webOS 1.4.5 update doesn't just empower the Pre; it also finally brings PDK'd OpenGL and SDL support to the Palm Pixi. On the off chance you don't speak developer lingo, that's short for 3D apps and games, and as it turns out the pint-sized Pixi doesn't play the latter half-badly. PreCentral fired up a copy of Need For Speed: Undercover on the freshly-upgraded handset immediately above, and found the game perfectly playable with "decent" framerates and only slightly sub-par load times. Watch their spiffy Nissan turn tricks right after the break, and pray companies get cracking on some Unreal Engine 3 apps soon.

EFO rolls out credit card-sized iPazzPort mini Bluetooth keyboard

EFO may not have quite reached Brando levels low-cost gadget fame, but it did manage to catch our attention recently with its HTPC-friendly iPazzPort keyboard, and it's now back with another interesting little device: the iPazzPort mini Bluetooth keyboard. As you can see, this one is simply a tiny Bluetooth keyboard, which EFO says is "tailor-made for handheld devices" and, of course, perfect for use with the iPhone or iPad. It's also reasonably cheap -- just $32 -- and it would seemingly be a good starting point for DIY-minded individuals looking to build, say, an iPhone case with a built-in keyboard. Head on past the break for a quick a video, and another shot of the keyboard sized up against an iPhone.

Older Apple iOS devices must jailbreak to be secure -- oh the irony

Remember that nasty PDF bug that allowed potentially malicious code to be executed on your iOS device? Right, the one that Apple recently patched with the iOS 4.0.2 software update, slamming the door on jailbreakme.com. Well, if you own the original iPhone or iPod touch you're still at risk since Apple's update isn't compatible with those devices. Hell, many iPhone 3G owners are also at risk after rolling back their handsets to iOS 3.1.3 due to sluggish (to put it mildly) performance running iOS 4. So what can you do to protect yourselves? Jailbreak. As counterintuitive as that sounds, Jay Freeman (aka @saurik) just released a patch onto Cydia (search for "PDF Patch") for all iOS devices, no need to update to 4.0.2. Of course, jailbreaking presents its own set of risks, so be careful -- and for crissake be sure tochange the root password if you install SSH

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

BlackBerry users running out of loyalty: 50 percent plan to defect to iPhone or Android

Nielsen has its own angle on the smartphone numbers game out today, and the results vaguely resemble the numbers from Canalys. Perhaps more interesting than the ever present market share tug-of-war (Nielsen pegs Google, RIM, and Apple at 27 percent, 33 percent, and 23 percent in sales to new smartphone subscribers, respectively) a note on brand loyalty turns out ugly for BlackBerry: while 89 percent of iPhone owners plan on getting another iPhone, and 71 percent of Android buyers plan to re-up, only 42 percent of BlackBerry owners plan to stick around. The defectors are pretty evenly split, with 29 percent planning to go iPhone, and 21 percent to go Android. That compares to 2 and 3 percent in the iPhone and Android camps planning a move to BlackBerry. We'll see if BlackBerry 6 can solve this little problem for RIM, but the few tweaks we've seen so far seem hardly capable of stemming the flow.

EVO 4G starts getting Android 2.2 update over the air

We've just gotten a deluge of tips that EVO 4Gs are starting to get blessed with the official update to Froyo -- a few hours prior to the promised August 3 rollout -- so if you've got one handy, you're going to want to start checking it right this second. Seriously, now that it's got a trick flashlight app included in ROM, what could you possibly be waiting for? On a related note, if you happened to apply that early update that HTC posted and pulled late last week, the company's working on a fix so that you aren't out of the over-the-air update loop and promises to "get back" in "the coming days."

Samsung's faster EcoGreen F4EG hard drive does 2TB for less

Samsung latest 3.5-inch EcoGreen desktop hard disk does with three platters what its F3EG did with four: obtain a 2TB capacity. That's 667GB per platter for what Samsung calls the world's highest areal density, environmentally friendly hard disk drive on the market. Specifically, this 3.0Gbps SATA disk with a 32MB buffer brings a 19 percent improved standby performance and requires 23 percent less power in standby mode than its EcoGreen F3EG. Better yet, it does all this for $60 less (just $119.95) when it ships to the US and EU markets in early September.

OQO crawls back from the dead, releasing Model 03 in China this month

Holy moly! We genuinely never saw this coming. If you recall, the last we heard from OQO was when it said its final goodbye back in May 2009, and even today its website still declares the company "out of business." Well, that's not exactly the case anymore -- a little research led us to CCW, which reports that Audiotone -- OQO's business partner in China -- confirmed a successful merger with the UMPCmanufacturer in April this year (on the condition that the latter's R&D to remain in the US). This would explain why OQO's Chinese site was still being updated with news after the "closure," while its Western counterpart remained frozen in time.

The juicier news, however, is that OQO's launching a Model 03 for Chinese buyers in Q3 2010 (and the website's banner specifically says August). Don't be fooled by the model number, though -- this 15-ounce device essentially shares the same chassis with the
Model 02, but is now packed with Windows 7, Intel Atom Z500 series chip, SSD, 3G radio (compatible with WCDMA, EVDO and TD-SCDMA), and a 4.8-inch 1024 x 600 multitouch LCD (previously 5-inch 800 x 480 single-touch). You'll also get the same old Bluetooth, WiFi, built-in mic and HDMI across the four flavors: Gold, Diamond, Elite and Business, which range from 1.2GHz to 2GHz, 32GB to 128GB (1GB to 2GB of RAM), and ¥12,999 ($1,919) to a whopping ¥31,888 ($4,708). Well, these are still far from what most of us would consider as affordable, so here's hoping the Chinese market will keep OQO alive until it can bring us some cheaper alternatives. Or at least avoid sending the company to its second funeral.

Kingston dives headfirst into water-cooling with HyperX H2O memory

Even in the niche world of PC overclocking, liquid-cooled memory never achieved popularity, but don't tell Kingston that -- the vendor's now selling premium sticks of DDR3 where water is a prerequisite. Unlike OCZ's fin-tastic Flex series, the new Kingston Hyper H20 modules keep their cool via tube alone, which admittedly means more space in your case as you carefully bump their clocks up from the stock 2,000MHz (or 2,133MHz) and CL9-11-9-27 timings at 1.65 volts. While you can't (yet) get them in a lovely shade of 2.4GHz blue, the modules do come in both dual-channel (4GB) and triple-channel (6GB) kits starting at $157 and $235 respectively, and we imagine if the above cooling design is marginally successful, you'll soon see it for sale on its own. PR after the break, memory available to purchase at our source link.